Phases of Development

The new estate is being built in six phases.


Phase 4-6

West Hendon Illustrative Masterplan
West Hendon Illustrative Masterplan
West Hendon Regeneration Phases - Masterplan
West Hendon Regeneration Phases - Masterplan

The outline plans for Phases 3 – 6 were approved as part of the wider regeneration masterplan in 2013, (Phases 1 and 2 were approved under a previous application). The outline consent established the parameters for each phase, such as the number and types of homes being built, height and associated public realm. The map on the top right sets out the various phases in which the regeneration will be delivered.

However as the project progresses, detailed plans for each phase must be approved by the planning authority. This is called a ‘reserved matters application’ whereby the reserved details such as appearance, landscaping and access to the buildings are drawn up. All reserved matter have now been submitted and approved by Barnet Council.

The overall regeneration will deliver:

  • 2,000 new homes (25+% affordable)
  • 1,000 full-time construction jobs
  • £600 million investment in construction
  • An increase in public and communal open space
  • Two new pedestrian bridges, linking to 110 acres of open space
  • An enhanced pedestrian route to Hendon train station and Welsh Harp
  • Community Hub – now open
  • The removal of the Perryfield Way oneway system
  • Substantial contributions to transport and education in Barnet
Locations of buildings in Phase 4
Locations of buildings in Phase 4

Phases 5 and 6 will deliver:

  • 732 new homes, including 172 affordable
  • A mix of family houses and flats
  • The Silk Stream pedestrian bridge (built as part of Phase 5)
  • New additional play spaces introduced to masterplan
  • New pedestrian walkway from the Broadway to the Welsh Harp
  • Space for new community or commercial use along Broadway (Block G)
  • Culmination and completion of West Hendon masterplan

The buildings and landscaping of Phases 5 and 6 have been designed by a high-quality team led by Makower Architects, including Unit Architects and Gillespies Landscape Architects.

These phases will complete the vision of the regeneration at West Hendon, providing a range of housing to meet different needs and delivering new public realm and green space for the local community.

Public Realm and Community Space
Public Realm and Community Space

Who to contact
