
The Planning Process


Barratt Metropolitan LLP was granted an outline planning consent by Barnet Council for the regeneration of the estate in 2013.

The consent was for the demolition and redevelopment of the West Hendon Estate to accommodate up to 2,000 residential units, a new two form entry primary school, community building, commercial uses and associated open space and infrastructure.

The outline plans for Phases 3 – 6 were approved as part of the wider regeneration masterplan in 2013, (Phases 1 and 2 were approved under a previous application). The outline consent established the parameters for each phase, such as the number and types of homes being built, height and associated public realm. The map below sets out the various phases in which the regeneration will be delivered.

However, as the project progresses, detailed plans for each phase must be approved by the planning authority. This is called a ‘reserved matters application’ whereby the reserved details such as appearance, landscaping and access to the buildings are drawn up. All reserved matters have now been submitted and approved by Barnet Council.



Consultation around the regeneration of the West Hendon Estate began in 2002.

The inaugural meeting of the Resident Regeneration Group (RRG) took place that year after Barnet Council selected its preferred development partner. The RRG continues to run in 2022, although is now rebadged as the West Hendon Partnership Board.

Consultation on regeneration masterplan


Key stakeholders were kept informed of the status of the project since 2008, and the development team met with ward members and the RRG early in 2012 to reiterate its commitment to delivering a new masterplan for the estate and to outline its plans for public consultation.

Community engagement around the outline planning application was carried out in two stages:

Stage One was carried out at an early stage of the design process. Residents and stakeholders’ views were sought to inform the masterplan so that any ideas or concerns people had about the emerging plans could be fed back to the design team. Meetings and a public consultation event were held to collect views and explain the design team’s emerging ideas.

Stage Two was delivered prior to submission of our planning application and culminated in a public exhibition. Full details of the planning application were displayed over two days so that residents could understand the proposals prior to being consulted as part of LBB’s statutory consultation.

The West Hendon Partnership Board, which has replaced the RRG, is now advising BMLLP on the best way to consult with residents on current and future planning applications.



Barratt Metropolitan LLP are bringing forward proposals to complete the Hendon Waterside development in West Hendon – to deliver additional new homes, including new affordable homes, new public open spaces and numerous other public benefits.

Public consultation on the proposals took place in July 2022 and January 2023.

Full planning permission for Phase 5 and 6 has been granted by the London Borough of Barnet.

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